After May 1, 2017, be on the lookout for redesigned Green Cards and Employment Authorization Documents (EADs). The USCIS will start issuing newly styled cards on May 1 as part of the “Next Generation Secure Identification Document Project” to make cards highly secure and more tamper-resistant.
New Green Cards and EADs will:
- Display the individual’s photo on both sides;
- Have embedded holographic images; and
- No longer have the individual’s signature.
Further, Green Cards will no longer have an optical stripe on the back, but will have an image of the Statue of Liberty and a predominately green palette.
EADs will have an image of a bald eagle and a predominantly red palette.
Existing and “new style” Green Cards and EADs will remain valid until the expiration dates shown on the cards. Both versions will remain acceptable for I-9, E-Verify, and SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification Entitlements) purposes.
Older Green Cards with no expiration date also will remain valid, but holders of such cards may consider applying for replacement cards to reduce the likelihood of tampering or fraud if the card is lost or stolen. Any new Green Cards that are issued will have an expiration date.
Some Green Cards and EADs issued after May 1, 2017, still may be in the “old style” because the USCIS will continue to use its existing stock of cards until the supplies are depleted. Such cards will still be valid until their expiration dates.
Automatic extensions of EADs based on timely filings or Temporary Protected Status (TPS) will not be affected.
Please contact a Jackson Lewis attorney if you have any questions.